Mailman mailing-list for OpenFlyers customers
You may benefit from our mailing-list solution which is coupled with your OpenFlyers space. For doing that, you should:
- send us an e-mail asking the creation of such mailing-list. It will be named
- we will create this list and send you a notification by e-mail answer
- you should then fill its name (for example flying_club_name-ml) in OpenFlyers and set "hostedMailman" as mailing list type
- You will be able to manage your mailing list via this address: by replacing flying_club_name by the right name
- In the mailman interface, you'll be able to define some parameters like:
- default language
- inscription notification for new members
- allowed e-mails according to the sender type
Mailing-list configuration
In the mailman interface, you will be able to define some parameters such as :
- the language (Language options). The default language is English, which appears in the drop-down menu. If you want to use another language you must before import it in the drop-down menu. Check the language you want to use then on Submit Your Changes. Select then the language in the drop-dow menu and click on Submit Your Changes again. The interface is now in the language you wanted to.
- subscription notification to the mailing list for new members
- authorisations for distributing e-mails on the list
Please let us know about every configuration element so as we can mention it here to help other club administrators
Documentation concerning mailman is available here :
How to not get your archive files becoming public
- Go to Archiving options
- Archive messages? select No
- Is archive file source for public or private archival? select private