FAQ user

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Since a migration, I'm unable to use OpenFlyers

When we move from one version to another, often we do it by changing the "DNS". This can cause access problems. It may also appear "cache" problems.

Here are various techniques to impose on your browser to use DNS updates and to update the cache:

  1. Do a CTRL + R (or icon "refresh"). Often this is enough to empty your browser cache
  2. Empty the cache manually in the browser
  3. Delete cookies in the browser
  4. Do a ipconfig / flushdns command-line (start menu, then "Run", type "cmd")
  5. Impose the new DNS within the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts adding a line like this: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx xxx.openflyers.zz (ask us to know the values to be used)
  6. Shutdown and restart your computer

Transmit login and password in URL

If you want to transmit your login details via the URL in order to save them easily, you need an HTTPS membership and then you have to add to your URL the following informations:



  • mySpaceName have to be replaced by the openflyers account name
  • tld have to be replaced by the extension (like de, fr, us, etc.)
  • myLogin have to be replaced by your own login
  • myPassword have to be replaced by your own password

General questions

Can several users connect themselves simultaneously?

Yes! It's even the first goal: to allow several people to consult at the same time the planning of reservations.

When does one notch the "visible to others" e-mail or telephone box, at which place does they appear?

In the user list page: Data/User list.

How can I easily enter a date in the qualifications manager ?

If you click on the Calendar icon, the default date is the current date ; you may jump from month to month or year to year by clicking on the appropriate arrow. However, this can be long if you want to enter an older date ; try passing your mouse cursor over the "Month Year" text, and a border will appear around that text. Just click on it, and you will open a new small window where you may type in the chosen year with your keyboard.

How-to print doc pages?

  1. On the left page, in the "toolbox": click on the link "printable version".
  2. Then, just ask to your browser to print the page.

Booking questions

What happens in the event of conflict reservation?

There cannot be conflicting reservation. It is one of the hard principles of OpenFlyers: at every time, there cannot be more than one reservation for each pilot, each aircraft or each instructor.

Can I be alerted onto several email addresses for any booking ?

It's possible to use several email addresses to be alerted for any booking.

Here how to do :

  • Data > Display and personal data
  • In Personal data then in User's E-mail field
  • Type each email address separated by a comma

Valid example :


Not valid example :

jesuisuntest@test.fr , jesuisuntest@test.com
jesuisuntest@test.fr , jesuisuntest@test.com
jesuisuntest@test.fr, jesuisuntest@test.com